How can we facilitate better knowledge transfer and collaboration between multi-disciplinary healthcare teams to improve the continuity of care for patients in an environment where new treatment approaches are fundamentally shifting how patients live with their cancer?

Why the Rewrite Cancer Innovation Challenge?

Significant strides have been made to improve the cancer experience, but even with great progress, patients and families still suffer. They are on a journey with multiple touch points in our healthcare system that can often be confusing, uncomfortable and stressful.

But we can strive to change that, together.

By seeking out cancer stories and identifying the shared moments among them that need improvement, we can work together towards a common goal.

By focusing on the importance of continued collaboration, competition and finding new solutions in the Canadian oncology space, we can bring different perspectives and experiences together and truly change the cancer story.

Your ideas could help improve the cancer experience

One winning submission from each of the four categories outlined below may have the opportunity to further develop their ideas with a benefit of funds or in-kind services of up to a maximum value of $50,000 CAD. This benefit can include non-clinical research support and partnerships with policy experts, advocacy groups and medical professionals.

Register for the Challenge

The Rewrite Cancer Innovation Challenge is a team-based initiative. Teams need a minimum of two members in order to participate and must elect a team leader who will register for the Challenge, keep team members up to date and submit the final response to the Challenge.

Once registered, team leaders will be provided with the option to send team members a link to sign up for individual updates on the Challenge.

How it Works

Teams will collaborate to discuss, brainstorm, rethink and offer a solution to the Challenge, and help rewrite the story of cancer for tomorrow’s patients.
