Related Science News

May 17, 2019

Cooling baby treatment one of ‘Nation’s Lifesavers’

A University of Bristol researcher who discovered that cooling babies who have suffered a lack of oxygen at birth improves their survival without brain damage in later childhood, is named by Universities UK as one of the ‘Nation’s Lifesavers’. One in 1,000 babies born at full term in the UK […]
May 17, 2019

Ragweed compounds could protect nerve cells from Alzheimer’s

As spring arrives in the northern hemisphere, many people are cursing ragweed, a primary culprit in seasonal allergies. But scientists might have discovered a promising new use for some substances produced by the pesky weed. In ACS’ Journal of Natural Products, researchers have identified and characterized ragweed compounds that could help […]
May 17, 2019

Blood biopsy: New technique enables detailed genetic analysis of cancer cells

A new way to cleanly separate out cancer cells from a blood sample enables comprehensive genetic profiling of the cancer cells, which could help doctors target tumors and monitor treatments more effectively. It is a dramatic improvement over current approaches because it also encompasses the variation among cancer cells within […]
May 17, 2019

Cancer cell genomes identified using new technology

If a tumour is made up of cells with many different genomes, a single drug might not kill them all. A technique developed by a team of DTU researchers makes it possible to identify cancer cells on the genetic level—potentially paving the way for tailored and more effective treatments. “The […]
May 17, 2019

Awareness is first step in helping stop ageism

Ever cracked a joke about old people? It might seem funny, but in a world where the population aged 60 or over is growing faster than all younger age groups, ageism is no laughing matter, says a University of Alberta researcher. “Ageism is now thought to be the most common […]
May 17, 2019

Cellular rivalry promotes healthy skin development

Not all cells are destined for greatness. Deemed unfit to serve in the body, some are killed off during early development through a process called cell competition. This phenomenon has previously been documented in flies and is now turning out to occur in mammals as well. In a recent study, […]
May 17, 2019

Alzheimer's disease discovery: A human-specific gene protects neurons against amyloid beta protein

University at Buffalo researchers have identified the first human-specific fusion gene—a hybrid of two genes—implicated in Alzheimer’s disease. The finding suggests that a neurotransmitter receptor, previously successful in animal studies but that failed in human trials for Alzheimer’s, might still turn out to be a valuable therapy. In a paper published in […]
May 16, 2019

Artificial Intelligence Could Vastly Scale Up Alzheimer’s Research

Machine Learning Tool Automates Pathologists’ Work to Identify Disease Markers. Researchers at UC Davis and UC San Francisco have found a way to teach a computer to precisely detect one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease in human brain tissue, delivering a proof of concept for a machine-learning approach capable […]
May 16, 2019

Jawless fish take a bite out of the blood-brain barrier

A jawless parasitic fish could help lead the way to more effective treatments for multiple brain ailments, including cancer, trauma and stroke. One major challenge in treating cancers and other disorders of the brain is ensuring that medicines reach their targets. A team of biomedical engineers and clinician-scientists at the […]
May 16, 2019

A substantial benefit from replacing steak with fish

The average Dane will gain a health benefit from substituting part of the red and processed meat in their diet with fish, according to calculations from the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark. Men over 50 and women of childbearing age in particular would benefit from such a change […]
May 16, 2019

Yale study identifies how cancer drug inhibits DNA repair in cancer cells

According to researchers at Yale Cancer Center, a cancer drug thought to be of limited use possesses a superpower of sorts: It is able to stop certain cancer cells from repairing their DNA in order to survive. The study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, suggests that combining this drug, cediranib, […]
May 16, 2019

Analyze This: Space Station Facility Enables Rapid Biomedical Analysis

In its role as a unique orbiting laboratory, the International Space Station provides a broad range of equipment for conducting health and life sciences research. However, the equipment available for cellular and molecular biology is limited compared to capabilities found in laboratories on Earth. To address this limitation, the Canadian […]
May 16, 2019

Detecting Dementia's Damaging Effects Before It is Too Late

By studying a rare form of dementia, researchers might have found a way to detect neurodegeneration before brain cells are lost for good. Earlier detection could provide therapeutic drug treatments a chance to work. Scientists might have found an early detection method for some forms of dementia, according to new […]
May 15, 2019

Injections, exercise promote muscle regrowth after atrophy in mice, study finds

By injecting cells that support blood vessel growth into muscles depleted by inactivity, researchers say they are able to help restore muscle mass lost as a result of immobility. The research, conducted in adult mice, involved injections of cells called pericytes (PERRY-sites), which are known to promote blood vessel growth […]
May 15, 2019

Opioid-exposed newborns may react to pain differently after birth

Babies exposed to opioids while their mothers were pregnant with them may need special care even before they start to experience withdrawal symptoms, according to Penn State research. Researchers from Penn State College of Medicine found that as soon as 24 and 48 hours after birth, babies who were exposed […]
May 15, 2019

Transplanted cells reveal early signs of type 1 diabetes

By the time type 1 diabetes is diagnosed, most of the insulin-producing beta cells have already been destroyed. Now, using an innovative transplantation technique, researchers at Karolinska Institutet and University of Miami Miller School of Medicine have been able to intervene to save the beta cells in mice by discovering […]
May 15, 2019

Direct Oxidative Stress Damage Shortens Telomeres

The same sources thought to inflict oxidative stress on cells—pollution, diesel exhaust, smoking and obesity—also are associated with shorter telomeres, the protective tips on the ends of the chromosomal shoelace. A new study from the University of Pittsburgh, published in Molecular Cell, provides the first smoking gun evidence that oxidative […]
May 15, 2019

Researchers sequence the genome’s elusive centromere

Though much of the human genome has been sequenced and assembled, scientists have hit road blocks trying to map unassembled regions of DNA that consist mostly of repetitive sequences. One of these regions, found in every cell, is the centromere. Researchers from the University of Rochester, along with their colleagues […]
May 15, 2019

A new way to wind the development clock of cardiac muscle cells

These days, scientists can collect a few skin or blood cells, wipe out their identities, and reprogram them to become virtually any other kind of cell in the human body, from neurons to heart cells.   The journey from skin cell to another type of functional cell involves converting them into induced pluripotent […]
May 15, 2019

Mothers with higher quality diets have slimmer, leaner babies

Obesity is a growing problem among toddlers, children and adolescents in the United States. Gaining weight and fat mass rapidly during the first six months of life is one risk factor that can lead to obesity in children. A University of Minnesota School of Public Health study, recently published in the journal Nutrients, […]
May 15, 2019

IL-1 inhibitors may reduce radiation-induced vascular damage

Radiation therapy against cancer can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease much later in life, as the radiation causes chronic inflammation of the exposed blood vessels. In a new study published in the European Heart Journal, researchers from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have shown that these inflammations can be treated with […]
May 15, 2019

New Doctors’ DNA Ages 6 Times Faster Than Normal in First Year

In just a few short weeks, tens of thousands of newly minted doctors will start the most intense year of their training: the first year of residency, also called the intern year. A new study suggests that between now and next summer, that experience will make their DNA age six […]
May 15, 2019

Researchers find thirty genes for bipolar disorder

An International study which the Danish iPSYCH project has contributed to has now brought us one step closer to understanding why some people suffer from bipolar disorder. After six years of work, researchers from Denmark and abroad have succeeded in uncovering genes which play an important role in the development […]
May 14, 2019

Missing Molecule Hobbles Cell Movement

Cells missing a certain protein on their surface can’t move normally, UConn researchers reported in Science Signaling. The research could give insight into how cells move and repair wounds in normal tissue, as well as how cancer spreads through the body. Cells are the body’s workers, and they often need to […]
May 14, 2019

A New Culprit for Multiple Sclerosis Relapses

A molecule that helps blood clot may also play a role in multiple sclerosis relapses, researchers reported in the journal PNAS. The new research may help answer the mystery of why remissions happen, as well as find early markers of the disease. The research also shows a new way to […]
May 14, 2019

Messenger cells bring good news for bone healing

How do bones heal, and how could they heal better? The answer to these questions may lie in a newly discovered population of “messenger” cells, according to an USC Stem Cell study published in the journal eLife. “With nearly half a million patients in the U.S experiencing failed bone repair every […]
May 14, 2019

Study Unlocks Secrets of an Elusive Genome Compartment

Although much of the human genome has been sequenced and assembled, scientists have hit roadblocks trying to map unassembled regions of DNA that consist mostly of repetitive sequences, including the centromere. Now, for the first time, researchers from the University of Connecticut and University of Rochester have sequenced all the […]
May 14, 2019

Scientists pinpoint potential new target for regulating inflammation

Scientists from Trinity have discovered a potential new target for regulating inflammation, which drives a range of diseases including diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s.  The potential target is an ancient immune protein – SARM – that has been conserved throughout evolution and thus is very similar in humans, other mammals, flies and worms. […]