Related Science News

January 19, 2022

Earlier ovarian cancer detection with a pilot version of "itty bitty" device

Biomedical engineering professor and BIO5 Institute Director Jennifer Barton has spent nearly a decade developing a falloposcope for ovarian cancer detection in its early stages. Banner – University Medical Center surgeon Dr. John Heusinkveld has now used the device to capture images of study participants' fallopian tubes for the first […]
January 19, 2022

A Suctioning Sleeping bag Could Solve eye Problems in Space

As any good cardiologist would tell you, blood flow is key to your health.  They probably won’t tell you that gravity is key to blood flow.  But that’s probably because they don’t usually have to deal with patients that aren’t subject to gravity.  When people are no longer subject to […]
January 14, 2022

Oxytocin could help treat some forms of autism, researchers find

Oxytocin may be an effective treatment for some forms of autism, say McMaster researchers who have shown that, in mice, the hormone can  correct patterns of brain activity associated with reduced social interest. Using a combination of two brain-mapping techniques, fMRI and iDISCO, researchers imaged the brains of mice missing the CNTNAP2 gene, previously linked to autism spectrum […]
January 14, 2022

Cancer Immunotherapy Treatment Developed by Purdue Researchers

Zhong-Yin Zhang of Purdue’s College of Pharmacy and his team of researchers have developed a cancer immunotherapy. The novel lead compound showed no in vivo side effects and leads to reduced tumor growth in mice studies. Researchers in Purdue University's College of Pharmacy are further developing a potential immunotherapy treatment […]