Related Science News

January 27, 2022

Review highlights potential of structural proteomics for treating neurodegenerative diseases

Two researchers from Skoltech and McGill University have published a review of the promising research field known as structural proteomics in the influential journal Chemical Reviews. This field combines protein chemistry and mass spectrometry, an advanced analytical technique for identifying the chemical composition of substances based on precise mass. The […]
January 26, 2022

How the brain knows when to take out the trash

The brain has its own housekeeping service, a sophisticated mechanism that cleans up debris that is left over from cellular activity. But scientists have had a hard time figuring out exactly how the brain knows when to initiate this cellular “trash pickup.” A Yale-led team of scientists has identified a […]
January 26, 2022

‘Lefty’ tightens control of embryonic development

A protein known as Lefty pumps the brakes as human embryos begin to differentiate into the bones, soft tissues and organs that make us. This inhibitor protein is key during the early stages of life when the fates of embryonic stem cells are determined by the Nodal signaling pathway, according to Rice University bioscientists. […]
January 26, 2022

NIH study classifies vision loss and retinal changes in Stargardt disease

National Eye Institute researchers developed and validated an artificial-intelligence-based method to evaluate patients with Stargardt, an eye disease that can lead to childhood vision loss. The method quantifies the disease-related loss of light-sensing retina cells, yielding information for monitoring patients, understanding genetic causes of the disease, and developing therapies to […]
January 26, 2022

Faulty BRCA genes linked to prostate and pancreatic cancers

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology has provided the strongest evidence to date of these links and helped researchers estimate more accurately the associated risk. Since these genes were discovered in the mid 90s, numerous studies have explored possible links between BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations and other […]