Related Science News

September 24, 2018

Two-Faced Molecule Could Lead to Huntington’s Disease Treatment

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University’s Institute for Biomolecular Design and Discovery (IBD) and Center for Nucleic Acids Science and Technology (CNAST), Chemistry Professor Danith Ly and postdoctoral associate Shivaji Thadke, have developed a two-faced synthetic nucleic acid that shows promise as a treatment for Huntington’s disease and other neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases […]
September 21, 2018

Intestines modify their cellular structure in response to diet

Body organs such as the intestine and ovaries undergo structural changes in response to dietary nutrients that can have lasting impacts on metabolism, as well as cancer susceptibility, according to Carnegie’s Rebecca Obniski, Matthew Sieber, and Allan Spradling. Their work, published by Developmental Cell, used fruit flies, which are currently […]
September 21, 2018

Shaping the cancer fight with smart-imaging computers

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have discovered how to quickly and accurately predict which lung cancer patients will benefit from chemotherapy by analyzing how immune cells the body sends out to fight the disease are arranged. The scientists—aided by smart-imaging computers and machine-learning methods—were able to swiftly analyze hundreds […]
September 21, 2018

New insight into aging

They say you can’t teach old dogs new tricks, but new research shows you can teach an old rat new sounds, even if the lesson doesn’t stick very long. Researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro) of McGill University examined the effects of aging on neuroplasticity in […]
September 21, 2018

Mediterranean-style diet may lower women’s stroke risk

A new report, published today in the American Heart Association’s journal Stroke, reveals that a diet high in fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts and beans, and lower in meat and dairy, reduces stroke risk among white adults who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease. The study is one of the largest […]
September 21, 2018

Cancer Immunotherapy Might Benefit From Previously Overlooked Immune Players

Cancer immunotherapy — efforts to boost a patient’s own immune system, allowing it to better fight cancer cells on its own — has shown great promise for some previously intractable cancers. Yet immunotherapy doesn’t work for everyone, for reasons that aren’t always clear. Most research and new therapies in this […]
September 21, 2018

Study clarifies protein’s role in dementia

A protein linked to both Alzheimer’s disease and a form of dementia caused by damage to blood vessels in the brain increases the risk of cognitive impairment by reducing the number and responsiveness of blood vessels in the organ, a study by Weill Cornell Medicine researchers suggests. The study, published […]
September 20, 2018

Finding that links ALS/ATAXIA to cellular stress opens

Few treatments exist for neurodegenerative diseases that progressively rob a person’s ability to move and think, yet the results of a new study are opening additional approaches for exploration. S­­cientists at University of Utah Health report for the first time that a protein, called Staufen1, accumulates in cells of patients […]
September 20, 2018

Breast cancer screening does not reduce mortality

Fewer and fewer women die from breast cancer in recent years but, surprisingly, the decline is just as large in the age groups that are not screened. The decline is therefore due to better treatment and not screening for breast cancer. This is shown by a major Danish-Norwegian study, Effect of […]
September 20, 2018

Young children’s oral bacteria may predict obesity

Weight gain trajectories in early childhood are related to the composition of oral bacteria of two-year-old children, suggesting that this understudied aspect of a child’s microbiota — the collection of microorganisms, including beneficial bacteria, residing in the mouth — could serve as an early indicator for childhood obesity. A study […]
September 20, 2018

Discovery could explain failed clinical trials for Alzheimer's

Researchers at King’s College London have discovered a vicious feedback loop underlying brain degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease which may explain why so many drug trials have failed. The study also identifies a clinically approved drug which breaks the vicious cycle and protects against memory-loss in animal models of Alzheimer’s. Overproduction […]
September 19, 2018

A starring role for nonhuman primates in the stem cell story

When Jamie Thomson, director of regenerative biology at the Morgridge Institute for Research, addressed a room of admirers that included John and Tashia Morgridge and former Gov. Tommy Thompson in April at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, he made a point of emphasizing the important role that nonhuman primates played […]
September 19, 2018

Simple contact can help steer cell division

Using tiny plastic beads, University of Oregon biologists have captured new detail on how early embryonic cells in worms and mice orient themselves to establish their proper spatial arrangements and divide properly. Getting into position is vital for these cells in any lifeform as they build what will become an […]
September 19, 2018

1,000s of breast cancer gene variants engineered, analyzed

A new scientific analysis of nearly 4,000 mutations deliberately engineered into the BRCA1 gene will immediately benefit people undergoing genetic testing for breast or ovarian cancer risk. The study was published today in the Sept. 12 edition of the scientific journal, Nature.  Additional data from the research has been made […]
September 19, 2018

Detangling DNA replication

DNA is a lengthy molecule — approximately 1,000-fold longer than the cell in which it resides — so it can’t be jammed in haphazardly. Rather, it must be neatly organized so proteins involved in critical processes can access the information contained in its nucleotide bases. Think of the double helix like […]
September 19, 2018

How Cells Repurpose their Garbage Disposal Systems to Promote Inflammation

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are everywhere in our bodies. They are embedded in our cell membranes, where they act as signal transducers, allowing cells to respond to their external environments. GPCRs play a crucial role in most biological functions, including heart rate, blood pressure, vision, smell, taste and allergic responses. GPCR […]
September 18, 2018

Is the Development of Calcification in Blood Vessels A Result of Stress?

Regarding overall health, there is probably no symptom more readily linked to prevailing conditions and illnesses than stress. The question we should be asking, however, is whether or not naming stress as a cause is accurate. There is no doubt that stress can be a contributor to all kinds of […]
September 18, 2018

New toolkit to assess musculoskeletal health in older people

A research collaboration involving the University of Liverpool proposes a set of measurements that can be used as a toolkit to assess bone, joint and muscle health that could provide a benchmark for how well older people are able to keep moving. The composition of the body changes as we […]
September 18, 2018

Genetic testing helps predict disease recurrence in myelodysplastic syndrome

A DNA-based analysis of blood cells soon after a stem cell transplant can predict likelihood of disease recurrence in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a group of cancerous disorders characterized by dysfunctional blood cells, according to new research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Such a practice […]
September 18, 2018

An aspirin a day does not prolong good health

The results from a seven-year study of the benefits and risks of a low daily dose of aspirin to the lives of people over 70 are published in three papers in New England Journal of Medicine. The study, led by a team from Monash University, involved the University of Adelaide’s […]
September 18, 2018

Study tracks incidence, timing of immunotherapy-related deaths

Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center researchers have answered questions about the incidence and timing of rare but sometimes fatal reactions to the most widely prescribed class of immunotherapies. Their research, which appeared in JAMA Oncology, is the largest evaluation of fatal immune checkpoint inhibitor toxicities published to date. They determined that although these severe […]
September 17, 2018

Regrowing dental tissue with stem cells from baby teeth

Sometimes kids trip and fall, and their teeth take the hit. Nearly half of children suffer some injury to a tooth during childhood. When that trauma affects an immature permanent tooth, it can hinder blood supply and root development, resulting in what is essentially a “dead” tooth. Until now, the […]
September 17, 2018

Daily low-dose aspirin found to have no effect on healthy life span in older people

In a large clinical trial to determine the risks and benefits of daily low-dose aspirin in healthy older adults without previous cardiovascular events, aspirin did not prolong healthy, independent living (life free of dementia or persistent physical disability). Risk of dying from a range of causes, including cancer and heart […]
September 14, 2018

iCare-AD/ADRD Challenge

Improving Care for People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Using Technology (iCare-AD/ADRD) Challenge Through this challenge, the National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, seeks to reward and spur the development of solutions for a technology-based application, fostering connections between relevant stakeholders to use […]
September 14, 2018

Disrupting genetic processes reverses ageing in human cells

Research has shed new light on genetic processes that may one day lead to the development of therapies that can slow, or even reverse, how our cells age. A study led by the University of Exeter Medical School has found that certain genes and pathways that regulate splicing factors – […]
September 14, 2018

New understanding of worm stem cells could untap potential of our own

Research from Oxford University published in the journal Genome Research has found that a special combination of epigenetic modifications crucial to stem cell growth evolved in animals much earlier than previously appreciated. These findings imply that our stem cells, and those of simple animals such as planarian worms, have much more in […]
September 14, 2018

Chromatin Study Could Shed Light on Genome

Unlocking the mysteries of chromatin – a mix of RNA, DNA and protein that serves to package and protect DNA – could lead to important insights about gene regulation and the genome, as well as cancer and other diseases. Combining engineering, biology and physics, three Yale researchers have received a […]
September 14, 2018

Cancer Drug and Antidepressants Provide Clues for Treating Fatal Brain-Eating Amoeba Infections

The amoeba Naegleria fowleri is commonly found in warm swimming pools, lakes and rivers. On rare occasions, the amoeba can infect a healthy person and cause severe primary amebic meningoencephalitis, a “brain-eating” disease that is almost always fatal. Other than trial-and-error with general antifungal medications, there are no treatments for the infection. […]