Related Science News

March 23, 2020

Research reveals why some prostate cancers are more aggressive

Researchers at the University of East Anglia have discovered why some prostate cancers are more aggressive, spread to different parts of the body, and ultimately cause death. It is hoped that the discovery could transform patient treatment. The findings come after the same team developed a test that distinguishes between […]
March 23, 2020

New understanding of immune modulator interleukin-2 guides drug discovery

The signaling molecule interleukin-2 (IL-2) has long been known to have powerful effects on the immune system, but efforts to harness it for therapeutic purposes have been hampered by serious side effects. Now researchers have worked out the details of IL-2’s complex interactions with receptor molecules on immune cells, providing […]
March 23, 2020

Parkinson’s disease linked to gene targeted by blue-green algae toxin

Scientists have discovered a possible link between Parkinson’s disease and a gene impacted by a neurotoxin found in blue-green algae. University of Queensland scientist Dr Jacob Gratten said the findings increased the understanding of the environmental risk factors of Parkinson’s disease. “We looked for a link between Parkinson’s and changes in the human […]
March 23, 2020

Trajectories of Exercise and Mortality in Late Life

Greater physical activity correlates well with lower mortality in later life. Given the way that human data is collected, and the way in which epidemiological studies are carried out, it is hard to determine causation, however. Is it that exercise is protective, or is it that more robust people both live longer and exercise […]
March 23, 2020

Stem Cells and Nerves Interact in Tissue Regeneration and Cancer Progression

Researchers at the University of Zurich show that different stem cell populations are innervated in distinct ways. Innervation may therefore be crucial for proper tissue regeneration. They also demonstrate that cancer stem cells likewise establish contacts with nerves. Targeting tumour innervation could thus lead to new cancer therapies. Stem cells […]
March 23, 2020

Study Finds Disease Causing Repeats Help Human Neurons Function

By focusing on the biology of healthy nerve cells, new research finds repeats in a gene, which causes Fragile X Syndrome, regulates how and when proteins are made in neurons. Over half of our genomes are made of repeating elements within DNA. In rare cases, these repeats can become unstable […]
March 22, 2020

The Two Way Relationship Between Cellular Senescence and Cancer in Bone Marrow

Cells become senescent in response to a variety of circumstances. The vast majority are cases of replicative senescence, somatic cells reaching the Hayflick limit. Cell damage and toxic environments also produce senescence, and senescent cells are also created as a part of the wound healing process. A senescent cell ceases replication and begins to secrete inflammatory and pro-growth […]
March 21, 2020

Bacteria potentially involved in the development of Type 2 diabetes

Bacteria may be involved in the development of Type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in Nature Metabolism by researchers from McMaster University, Université Laval and the Québec Heart and Lung Institute. The authors found that the blood, liver, and certain abdominal fat deposits in diabetics have a different […]
March 20, 2020

Scientists program cells to carry out gene-guided construction projects

Stanford researchers have developed a technique that reprograms cells to use synthetic materials, provided by the scientists, to build artificial structures able to carry out functions inside the body. “We turned cells into chemical engineers of a sort, that use materials we provide to construct functional polymers that change their […]
March 20, 2020

NIH study provides genetic insights into osteosarcoma in children

A study by researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health, offers new insight into genetic alterations associated with osteosarcoma, the most common cancerous bone tumor of children and adolescents. The researchers found that more people with osteosarcoma carry harmful, or likely harmful, variants […]
March 20, 2020

Urine Test Can Detect Likelihood of Kidney Transplant Rejection

A simple urine test can diagnose and predict acute rejection in kidney transplants, leading to an opportunity for earlier detection and treatment, according to a new study by researchers at UC San Francisco. A test of 601 urine samples showed greater than 95 percent accuracy in determining the risk of […]
March 20, 2020

Researchers find key to keep working memory working

Working memory, the ability to hold a thought in mind even through distraction, is the foundation of abstract reasoning and a defining characteristic of the human brain. It is also impaired in disorders such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. Now Yale researchers have found a key molecule that helps neurons […]
March 20, 2020

Curbing Chemo

Being diagnosed with cancer, one of the world’s most enduring and undiscriminating killers, is distressing enough. But making it a doubly cruel blow is the fact that undergoing one of its most effective treatments, chemotherapy, can itself be utterly debilitating, and even life-threatening. Worldwide, anywhere from 60-80% of patients treated, […]
March 19, 2020

Reduced Calorie Intake and Periodic Fasting Independently Contribute to the Benefits of Calorie Restriction

Researchers here make the point that calorie restriction studies in animals are also introducing a strong component of time restricted feeding, as animals tend to be fed once a day. Studies of intermittent fasting without calorie reduction have shown that this can produce a similar set of metabolic responses to a reduced calorie intake. […]
March 19, 2020

Using “organs-on-a-chip” to model complicated diseases

A new approach reveals how different tissues contribute to inflammatory diseases such as ulcerative colitis. MIT biological engineers have created a multi-tissue model that lets them study the relationships between different organs and the immune system, on a specialized microfluidic platform seeded with human cells. Using this type of model, […]
March 19, 2020

Researchers find an early behavioral marker for autism

In the first study of its kind, the University of Miami researchers have found a strong behavioral signal to indicate which infants who have an older sibling with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) will themselves be diagnosed with ASD as they grow older. The researchers found that such high-risk infants […]
March 19, 2020

In NIH trial, selumetinib shrinks tumors, provides clinical benefit for children with NF1

Findings from a phase 2 clinical trial show that the drug selumetinib improves outcomes for children with the genetic disorder neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). In the trial, selumetinib shrank the inoperable tumors that develop with NF1 called plexiform neurofibromas, and children experienced reduced pain, improved function, and better overall quality […]
March 19, 2020

Rapid, automatic identification of individual, live brain cells

Researchers working towards understanding the brain in high-definition, single-cell level of detail have designed a new computer program to identify each nerve cell in fluorescent microscope images of living worms. Previous attempts to automate the identification of individual nerve cells have been thwarted by the fact that the same cell […]
March 19, 2020

New technique ‘prints’ cells to create diverse biological environments

Like humans, cells are easily influenced by peer pressure. Take a neural stem cell in the brain: Whether this cell remains a stem cell or differentiates into a fully formed brain cell is ultimately determined by a complex set of molecular messages the cell receives from countless neighbors. Understanding these […]
March 18, 2020

Inflammation in the brain linked to several forms of dementia

Inflammation in the brain may be more widely implicated in dementias than was previously thought, suggests new research from the University of Cambridge. The researchers say it offers hope for potential new treatments for several types of dementia. Inflammation is usually the body’s response to injury and stress – such […]
March 18, 2020

How Gene Therapy May Hold Key to Treating Life-Threatening Cardiac Disease

Danon disease is a very rare, life-threatening condition where the fundamental biological process of removing and recycling proteins does not work. This impairment results in dysfunction of the heart, skeletal muscle, neurologic system, eyes, and liver. Most patients die or require heart transplants by the third decade of life. In […]
March 18, 2020

New scanner can improve the detection of cancer tissue and brain disease diagnoses

A group of neuroscience and neurotechnology researchers have conducted extensive research and developed a new brain imaging technology in two EU projects led by Aalto University. As a result of the successful research, a new project funded by Business Finland just started with the aim of making the devices usable for patients. […]
March 18, 2020

Vitamin D Boosts Chances of Walking After Hip Fracture

Senior citizens who are not vitamin D deficient have a better chance of walking after hip fracture surgery, according to a Rutgers-led study. The findings in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggest that vitamin D deficiency could limit mobility in older adults, said senior author Sue Shapses, a professor in the Department of […]
March 18, 2020

Viruses for the Good: Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease

While the world worries about novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, other viruses continue to be used for the good – as vectors that ferry in healing genes for gene therapy and editing. Charles Hough calls himself “reborn” after lentiviruses – disabled versions of HIV – gave his blood cells the gene that overrides the […]
March 18, 2020

Loss of Protein Disturbs Intestinal Homeostasis and Can Drive Cancer

An international team of researchers from the University of Zurich, the University Hospital Zurich, Heidelberg and Glasgow has identified a novel function for the cell death regulating protein MCL1: It is essential in protecting the intestine against cancer development – independent of bacterial-driven inflammation. These findings have implications for the […]
March 18, 2020

Exploring cells' path to build cholesterol and finding a future drug target

Researchers based at UTokyo and RIKEN in Japan, and the University of New South Wales in Australia have uncovered a new aspect of one of the molecules involved in cells' production line to build cholesterol. This understanding could provide a new target for high-cholesterol medications and other drugs that kill […]
March 18, 2020

Deadlier colon cancer develops differently in women and men

Researchers have found that colon cancer tumor cells produce energy for growth differently in women and men and that this difference is associated with a more aggressive form of tumor growth with a higher incidence in women. In a study published in Scientific Reports, the authors note that this is […]
March 17, 2020

TREM2 Antibodies as an Immunotherapy for Alzheimer's Disease

Researchers here report on preliminary evidence that antibodies binding to TREM2 can enhance the ability of the immune cells known as microglia to clear out debris and metabolic waste in brain, particularly the amyloid-β plaques thought to contribute to the progression of the condition. Given the unremitting record of failure to date for amyloid-β clearance approaches to produce […]
March 17, 2020

Splicing Regulation and Naked Mole-Rat Longevity

Multiple proteins can be assembled from the blueprint of a any given gene, depending on which of the intron sequences (usually removed) and exon sequences (usually retained) within the overall gene sequence are included in the final protein. Splicing is the part of the gene expression process that determines this outcome, and regulation of splicing is one […]